How to Say No Politely?

Human beings are associated with the natural system of society. No matter how much they try, they cannot fully detach themselves from its connections- some way or the other would cause or create an interaction among the members. A person is either an involuntary or a voluntary member of the society-he or she may not be active participants but there is always passive participation of a person. When the human connection is prevalent, there exist comprises, when you cannot decide upon certain things, so you see a common ground where you can come to good terms with the other person. However, there are times when this strategy does not always work as there is a limit to compromises.

A compromise is not a one-way effort or understanding but a mutual work. If it is seen that only one of the partners or one or few members of a group are the ones executing all sorts of mental and physical work, the partner of the member(s) has the right to say “NO”. The word NO is more than a word, it is a choice and an ideology you have chosen to honor your demeanor. Most of the time, saying NO is tough for people who are used to agreeing to people’s demands. It is mostly because they are put in a position, they are unable to deny, and sometimes because to put up a good reputation in front of people for the sake of stable human connections. The second point is the reason one should learn how to say NO politely.

For a person who has seldom to never said NO even though they wanted to, and sometimes out of frustration have said it quite a few times, often regret doing it, often assuming this could strain the relationship and the bond. This article aims at curbing that guilt feeling that comes after saying NO to the person who you have always wanted to.
There is one more major misunderstanding that saying NO stands for every situation and circumstance. It cannot happen like that, because if people start denying help to the needy, sad, and distressed, there would-be no-good deeds, kindness, or prosperity in the society. People who deny help to others and are rude with their NO is something that is not going to get a mention in this article. This is for those whose YES is taken for granted and is exploited while their NO is misunderstood and scoffed at.

To avoid awkward situations and regretting later saying NO, you have to incorporate and adhere to the following things:

  • Calm and Composed:

If you are a person who says NO and panics later, is the drill you follow, then first you need to hold on to your emotions. Most of the time, the panic attack and assumptions start when you do hold on to your emotional baggage. Once you identify your emotional loopholes and gain control over them, you can easily stay calm and maintain your composure-which will help you a lot in communicating better.

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  • Be Unapologetic:

There is nothing wrong with standing up for your priorities first, instead of always complying with others’ demands. Do not be sorry for thinking about yourself before others. Apologetic feelings come when you realize you are being exploited and yet you are unable to say. Those feelings of apology are self-pity and rage mixed.

  • Incorporate Confidence:

Your key to success in everything you do is your confidence. Once you determine your goals and gather the confidence to execute them, there is no stopping. The day you get the guts to stand for yourself, is the day your days of being exploited start to fade away.

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  • Be a Strong Communicator:

One of the reasons why you have so far failed to say NO, is because of your weak communication skills which were not strong enough to convince people. The other person needs to know why you are denying their pleas so that they think twice next time before approaching you.

  • Know Your Worth:

Understand, explore, and respect your existence. This is probably the top-most reason why, all this while, you have been resorting to agreements against your will because you believed it to be your sole job- to please people. There is no scope in buttering people, you lose a great deal of self-respect and self-worth in this process.

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  • Take Professional Help:

For someone who wants to come out from it desperately, you should start taking help from the best personality development classes, who collect your past experiences and help you act accordingly.

  • Listen to Your Conscience:

Always remember, your conscience never lies. It might be sometimes too fast or too late to predict but sooner or later, you will realize and when you do, follow it.

  • Correct Your Body Language:

Make sure your NO sounds stringent yet subtle so that they know you are not under anyone else’s pressure to deny. Make it feel that it is coming from your personal choice and priority.

The trick is to identify where, when, and how of every situation-once you realize this, you would not be under any type of obligation. Love and prioritize yourself by giving the required personality development training that you have been avoiding to date and not only learn how to say NO politely but with great confidence and subtlety.

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