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5 Characteristics of an Independent Thinker

In a world that is full of people who are always trying to manipulate in a way, you might not even realize, being an independent thinker is one of the most important and also the bravest thing you can do. Independent thinkers or known as freethinkers are those people who are not full inclined to a certain point of view that is accepted by the mass and they usually raise questions against almost everything in one way or the other. These people are quite powerful in the way they think and live their lives. But if you are an independent thinker it might be hard for you to know if you are one if you are not aware of the characteristics of an independent thinker.

Characteristics You Must Know:

The history of the world is quite rich in terms of having various sorts of independent thinkers. But there are certain things you need to know if you think you are an independent thinker. Because it can be truly confusing if you are not aware of it.

Following are the few characteristics of an independent thinker that might help:

  1. You are not a victim:

Anne Frank once popularly said, “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s characters lies in their own hand”. This simply tries to tell that people who consider them as independent thinkers are not victims of anything. They take complete responsibility for themselves and their actions and do not point a blaming finger at others. Because they are aware of the fact that doing so will only make them weak and depressed. Instead of being sad about how drastic their life is they focus more on how they can make it better and work on various such aspects. And they make sure they work on being a better person.

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2. Not Trusting Figures:

In one of the most historic statements Albert Einstein said, “Blind belief in the authority is the greatest enemy of the truth”. And thus, one of the most vital characteristics of Independent thinkers is that they do not trust in people who are holding authoritative positions. They always ask questions and try to cross whatever they say to know their true motives and notion behind a particular doing or action. Most independent thinkers believe that trust is a gift that must be earned and not taken away by force and so. For more on this, you can also consider opting for the best personality grooming trainer.

3. Not all are in the Book:

Whether we like it or not but there is no denying that one of the most common and accepted beliefs is that if not anywhere most of the answers to the worldly question cab be found in the books. Well, this might be true but not much for Independent thinkers. These people have their thought processes about various things and most of the time they trust their intuition. They understand that life is full of complex questions and they can not find all the answers in words and thus they need to discover and find on their own. Most of the Independent thinkers believe in a particular theory or so.

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4. Not An Ardent Follower:

Anais Nin said, “When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons”. And this is what Independent thinkers avoid doing. They do not believe or put their faith in anything just because some said so. If you are an independent thinker you will not let your family or friends influence your life or dictate it in any manner. Because they do not blindly believe in anything that is being said, rather they raise or ask questions. They try to reconsider the legitimacy of various things they were taught as a child and learn more about it. They only follow a religion or accept a system of belief it passes a certain set of questions or a test. For more on this look for personality development classes.

5. Never Look Down:

Popular Greek Philosopher Marcus Aurelius stated, “How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but only at what he does himself, to make it just and holy”. Just because they do not accept certain things, or religion or belief, Independent thinkers never look down on them or think of less of people who believe in all that. They understand that just because they do not believe in certain things does not mean that if others do so it is bad and must be mocked.

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It is vital to know certain characteristics of an Independent thinker if you think you are one so that you do not end being all muddled. This is also vital so that if your art, not one then you start working on all the areas of faults to be one. Independent thinkers are those dynamic people of our society who people are certainly afraid of because they know that they are strong in reasoning and understanding.

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